There's a reason, probably not a good excuse, why I haven't been posting lately. Late last year I got this crazy idea to start an online dating site. I had vowed never to use online dating again. I felt like an item on a grocery shelf. And then I thought--it doesn't have to be that way!
When I started dating after my divorce, I had this idea in my head that dating would be like it was on Mary Tyler Moore. You know, every once in a while a cute guy calls and asks you to some fun thing. Ha ha ha ha ha. Instead, I find myself interviewed and interviewing over coffee. Mental checklists are sizing up the potential here. Don't hear heavenly choruses singing "Allelujiah?" REJECT.
Have you ever met someone who you really dislike at first, and they end up being a close friend-- maybe even your spouse? A friend told me the story of a guy she met on a date. She disliked him so much that she spent practically the whole date in the bathroom. She absolutely did not want to see him again. But her sister was dating his brother, and wanted to double date. So she saw the guy again for her sister. This time they went dancing. She saw in him a completely different person, and they had great fun together. They've now been married for 25 years and have three kinds.
So I started Plume Blue. At Plume Blue you meet people by doing fun things-- you browse dates that members post, not the members themselves. There are a lot of other things we've done differently too. We launched our private beta last Friday to our network of friends. Check it out for yourself: Plume Blue. And if you register through our private invite page, you can join free forever.
Public policy is nice, but Plume Blue is lots more fun. Some day, I promise to get back to my posts, especially the ones on how to change the world. Right now, I'm trying to change dating, and by doing so, bring more fun and joy into people's lives.
Hope to see you there!